That is something really beyond me or anyone else.
Where the mind is without fear(of corruption,poverty & laziness). Where the head is held high & scams r a thing of the past! This is the India that we desire ! Where there is equal opportunity 4 every1 & farmers don't commit suicide ! Where all religions r respected & V stand Together proud as Indians ! When we achieve dis, we will truely be independent as a nation ! Till then JAI HIND & Happy Independence 2 all!
"To be my friend all you have to do is love me for who I am & not what others want me to be!"
Preity zinta words on Chase the life & be yourself; Cordial relationship & Friendship - work & others
"I don't need to dress to death and come out all dolled up and say "Honey, I've arrived"
See...Keep doin...Vj