Yes, its all about HER. SHE who has influenced me to the core. SHE made me to watch TV Ads, SHE mesmerised me to view Flicks, SHE prompted me to buy Cassetes, SHE guided me to collect Photos, SHE showed me all the Magazines, SHE who kindled the Writing in me, She.....never ending, Yes -> Her everything is my source of INSPIRATION, Her activities, Her boldness, Her attitude, Her style, Her dressing, Her manners, Her........... She is pt zta, Yes its PREITY ZINTA, my guiding inspiration.



one of her best photos I ve seen! <3WoW. ! I just met Preity Zinta today here in Hotel Mountview in Chandigarh. ! Just check it everybody. ! :) :D

Her sex appeal lies, beyond all doubt, in her independence, courage and ability to be who she is despite everything.

Not shy about being in a relationship, or hesitant about saying it's all done and dusted when it ends, Zinta strikes the right balance in the ways of love and media.

With sheer grit and independence, Preity is a woman with a mind of her own in every right. She gives as good as she gets and knows how to keep her head screwed tightly onto those deceptively fragile shoulders.

Till the age 12-13 a girl is like a boy only, especially if she grows up with boys!

But then you should also know how to run when you hit someone. Don't wait there and be a


You know, I learnt to be say things right on a person's face from guys. I sort out things there and then and forget about it, unlike other women who keep silent and keep it inside them!

When you are acting and in front of the camera and you know you have to wear a short skirt or your midriff is showing you don't want to be looking bad.

She is so Preity (see what I did there?) 


See...Keep doin...Vj